4D Analytics

Saving and Recalling Report Selections

Two button links are provided to allow the user to save and use report/site/period selections.

Save the Selection

Clicking Save This Selection will open a dialog as above to allow you to save the currently shown report and period details so that they can be recalled at a later date. It also displays previously saved selections.

There are two options:

  • Save Report Selection – where you must supply a name and optional description.
  • Save as existing report Selection – where you pick an existing file selection to overwrite.

When the latter option is selected, the file name and Fixed or Rolling option can be edited by double-clicking on the cell.

Reports that have multiple sites selected are indicated with an icon, which when clicked will display a list of all sites associated with the report.

You can change the name or description of an existing report by editing these fields in grid by double-clicking the text field. The new details are automatically saved on completion of field editing.

The rows in this grid can be sorted on the name column only, with a search box provided for locating entries when the list has many entries.

Use/Manage Selections and Report Emails

Clicking this will open up a dialog as above to allow you to pick an existing saved report selection, as well as delete reports from the list.

Highlight the row you want and click Use. The rows in this grid are sortable on all columns, and the search box in the Name column locates entries quickly. Also, designate when you wish the report emailed to you. Selecting a row and pressing the Delete Selected Row button will also delete file selections.

The “Next scheduled report” column displays the date/time at which the report is scheduled to next be emailed. This may be different to the “Select hour…” setting, if the report has not been run since the select hour drop-down has been changed. When the report is run (on a schedule) the “next scheduled report” time is set based on the hour in the “Select hour…” drop-down.